
I've been stuck in a funk since November 18, 2021. I know most everyone was overjoyed that I am still alive. I was devastated. It's not that I want to die. No, I wish to live life to the fullest! I'm just tired of being caged and subjected to the wicked whims of those in power who claim righteousness, put forth blatant deceit with prejudice, and call it prayerfully thought-out justice.

I've been the recipient of so much wickedness. It's hard to comprehend how we continue to allow people to shield themselves with claims of being Christ-like, God-fearing, etc. I'm fed up with having to epitomize patience, humility and graciousness, when I have been not just wronged, but literally sh*tted on with the whole entire world witnessing (you all REALLY are the ones with empathy, faith, love and the Most High's principles in your hearts)! But, when you think about it, it would take our leaders and society to look beyond money, politics, and personal preservation in order to right the many wrongs before us. How did we fall so far that we misappropriate scriptures to beguile the masses? Just for a momentary gain of a few dollars in our back accounts How did we become so enchanted with the illusion of our own power that we are willing to protect a lie at all cost, KNOWING we all have a Master in Heaven who will judge us (Eph. 6:9; Col. 4:1).

But, I am grateful to ALL the people who came together across faith, party, and cultural lines – especially our youth – to stand up for justice! See, I've come to learn that justice is not about vengeance, but correction. That is what you all did. Yes, YOU DID THAT. TOGETHER. You all came together peacefully for 3+ years! Not just to save my life, but yours as well. YOU ALL SAVED MY LIFE. TOGETHER. DESPITE FAITH AND/OR PARTY LINES! because there is NO LINE when it comes to standing up for truth, fairness, and equality. We all want a safe world to live in and that takes having people with integrity in power to truly protect ALL in our society – from the richest to the poorest. THAT is how we undermine crime, poverty, and tragedy. Together. I just implore you all to look around at the outpouring of love that showed up to save lil ole' me! It was YOU ALL! To start the healing process and render justice for my family (which includes you all), we have to stay together, focused on the Common Good. Let us NOT forget that as we move forward. We CAN work together despite our differences. We just proved it! Because we were never enemies, just distant neighbors. Let's be more neighborly.

Til next time, may abundant favor, harmony, joy, love, prosperity and victory be upon us all on this continued journey of justice.

Nfin8 Luv,

Julius Jones